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Foto Artis Atiqah Hasiholan

Posted by Hotpic 30 - Apr - 2011

  Seksi di ME Magazine

Atiqah Hasiholan Profile:

Atiqah Hasiholan
Jakarta, January 3, 1982

Hobby: Traveling, water sports (scuba diving), watch, read a book
Weight Loss: 52 kg
Height: 170 cm

Atiqah Hasiholan Biography:

Atiqah Hasiholan known as a widescreen movie acting star. She contributed to the horror film sequel, Suster N (2007) directed by Viva Westi.

Atiqah Hasiholan who was born in Jakarta, January 3, 1982 that, once rumored to be in a relationship with Surya Saputra is now a husband personnel AB Three, Cintya Lamusu.

FORBIDDEN DOORS movie star acting is starting to look stand out when playing at the movies SHARE HUSBAND in 2006.

Art blood flowing from his mother, Ratna Sarumpaet make Atiqah Hasiholan acting talent inherited from his mother. Nevertheless, he is an artist not hesitate to take observations for the sake of deepening the character played by her.

Atiqah Hasiholan

Atiqah Hasiholan

Atiqah Hasiholan

Atiqah Hasiholan

Atiqah Hasiholan
Atiqah Hasiholan

Atiqah Hasiholan

Atiqah Hasiholan

Atiqah Hasiholan

Atiqah Hasiholan

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