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Foto Profile Artis Seksi Wiwid Gunawan

Posted by Hotpic 14 - Apr - 2011

Wiwid Gunawan Profile :

Real Name : Rujuniarti Sapta Pertiwi
Name : Wiwid Gunawan
Born : Bandung, 12 Juni 1982
Father Name : Dudung Gunawan
Mother Name : Siti Amalia
Education : Strata 1, Department of Management, Padjadjaran Bandung

* Kawin Kontrak (2008)
* Pulau Hantu 2 (2008)
* Kawin Kontrak Lagi (2008)
* Takut: Faces of Fear (2008) - Segmen Peeper
* Wakil Rakyat (2009)
* Ngebut Kawin (2010)

Wiwid Gunawan Controversy

Wiwid Gunawan hooked ever admitted watching pornographic movies and masturbating. "I'm glad that so EMH bule-bule deh .. so," she said. Wiwid Gunawan watching porn craze began when he underwent the filming of 'Marriage Contract. " In the film she melakoni a bed scene. "I observed watching erotic movies," says his acting Wiwid the bed is very convincing when do it, says Wiwid at Euro Cafe, Belleza, Permata Hijau, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (06/04/2008). Of the films watched it, trying to imitate the expression when Wiwid Gunawan intimate scene. From there, he could better appreciate his acting in the Marriage Contract. Without shy, she admitted that he collected a lot of porn movies. If you are bored, she would exchange movies with her friends.

Wiwid Gunawan

Wiwid Gunawan

Wiwid Gunawan

Wiwid Gunawan

Wiwid Gunawan

Wiwid Gunawan

Spoiler :) :

Wiwid Gunawan

Wiwid Gunawan

Wiwid Gunawan Biography:

Wiwid Gunawan is an actress who started her career from the world model of the local model selection event in 2000. Women's full name Sapta Pertiwi Rujuniarti this plunge into the world of movies playing in the movie contract marriage (2008).

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