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Foto Artis Silvia Vee Sexy in Lingerie

Posted by Hotpic 16 - Apr - 2011

Silvia Vee “Sex is About Curiosity ”

Starting from curiosity, she tried. Unfortunately, it was delicious taste that people say. These are powerful recognition Popular models that are ready to make your heart beat faster.
Among her friends, she is known as queen sexy clothes. Almost every day-tight clothes attached to a minimum is always blend perfectly accented by the seductive curves of her body. But, do not try to seduce a way to touch a woman named Silvia Vee is complete. If this happens, he's ready to confront a ferocious face. "Although often look sexy, I do not like to be treated most insolent. If it's just flirting is fine, but if you've played dab, I direct face him with a sadistic view'll be afraid, "said the friendly woman who was seriously called Vee.

Vee confess, though fond of dress sexy, she still did not want to sound cheap. "I like to dress sexy for my body a little. If you wear big clothes, my body could 'sink'. I purposely put faces to the guy who mupeng fierce, so he reluctantly as I am. Hence most of the guys around me really appreciate it and just admire it with my sexy body, without much purpose, "she warned.

Silvia Vee Hot

Silvia Vee Hot

With physical teasing and captivating face, actually has a chance Vee big for success in the entertainment world. Moreover, she felt had the talent and interest in this field. Unfortunately, his parents forbade him jump as entertainers. In the limit of old-fashioned, her parents only wanted him to work as an office.

"I was frustrated with the restrictions my parents. But what may make, I also do not want to disappoint them. So, I followed this session photos secretly. According to them appearing on television only considered to have sold well, let alone like this? "She half whispered naughty little snickered, showing rows of clean white teeth.

Silvia Vee Hot'

Silvia Vee Hot

In addition to playing 'cat and mouse' with parents, such a restriction restrictions should be placed firmly making Vee modeling as a hobby not a profession. "I'm just fun-fun course. Actually, I got surprised when asked Popular for bikini because I have never being photographed like this. But yes, never mind just having fun, please just, "she offered with no load. Nih Quicklist never sexy photos? "Yes, if it's just a personal collection I have. For example while on holiday to Bali with friends. In essence, yes just fun, not because they want to publish. "Feeling lucky? Yes, We Are!

Silvia Vee Hot

Silvia Vee Hot

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