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Foto Basah - Basahan Model Seksi GT Radial Jakdrift seri 3 " Sandra Yosefine Style "

Posted by Hotpic 14 - Apr - 2011

Sandra Yosefine

Sandra Yosefine

Sandra Yosefine

Sandra Yosefine

Sandra Yosefine

Sandra Yosefine

Sandra Yosefine

Sandra Yosefine
Picture@Majalah Otomotif Online by. Dapurpacu
Jakarta - Success with the series title two GT Radial JakDrift 2010 in Bandung in August, PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk is proud to be once again held the GT Radial JakDrift third series in the circuit JI Expo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on Saturday and Sunday (2-3 / 10).

The event on Saturday will feature practice and qualifying from the national and international Drifter, while on Sunday will be held at the same time embedding racing event title for the winners of each class and category.

Drifting event that puts the sport and entertainment is open to all dirfter and all brands of tires and special just for the car rear wheel (RWD), in accordance with the standards of international drift.

Dozens Drifter from within and abroad are coming in and doing the exercises directly with their race in PRJ Kemayoran. Some national dirfter such as M. Rully Amandio Armando or had already undergone training since last week.

According Rully, Drifter presence of foreigners from Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia, are expected to add a festive event and make the event so the quality is increasing.

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