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Foto Zora Vidyanata

Posted by Hotpic 30 - Apr - 2011

Zora Vidyanata Profile :

Full Name: Zora Vidyanata
Call Name: Zora
TTL: Pontiac, December 31, 1984
Father Name: Drs Tabrani Eka Putra
Mother Name: Rifwarti
Children Go: two of four brothers
Last Education: Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Pontianak SMU 1

* Winner of the Third Princess Image 2000
* First Place 2001 Dare Pontianak
* Princess Weaving Nusantara 2001
* Princess WK 2002
* Finalist Miss Indonesia 2002

Zora Vidyanata, artist born in Pontianak, December 31, 1984 This is the Indonesian sinetron player. Zora Vidyanata had been named a finalist was the daughter of Indonesia in 2002. In addition Zora Vidyanata also briefly starred in several soap operas including the title, "Bachelor", "pendant", "Son of Adam," "Diamonds", "Flower Paradise", and many more.

Zora Vidyanata

Zora Vidyanata

Zora Vidyanata

Zora Vidyanata

Zora Vidyanata

Zora Vidyanata

Zora Vidyanata Biography:

Zora Vidyanata acting is soap opera star was born in Pontianak Indonesia, December 31, 1984. Since childhood, the second daughter of four children the couple Drs. Tabrani Eka Putra and Rifwarti has been active in the art world.

Various achievements were achieved by a Pontiac high school graduates, among others, the Third Princess Citra Champion 2000, Winner of First Dare Pontianak, 2001, Princess Weaving Nusantara 2001, and Princess WK 2002.

Even during the lectures at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Zora Vidyanata remained active as a catwalk model.

But Zora's career in entertainment began when Indonesia became a finalist Miss Indonesia 2002 before later entering the acting world.

Soap opera titled debut single, which diperaninya with Didi Petet and Jaja Miharja. Followed a successful soap opera that starred together Naysila INTAN Mirdad and Sandy Tumiwa with a role as Shinta.

Next name Zora Vidyanata increasingly known in the community with a number of soap operas who starred, such as Pendant, Anak Cucu Adam, Flower Heaven, My name is Safina, Surgamu, Secret Love and Promise.

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