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Foto Seksi Artis Dewi Cinta part 2

Posted by Hotpic 30 - Apr - 2011

Learning to dance too?
Yes, because all of my song ngebeat. I also want to learn belly dancing. Let me look sexy and not rigid.

So you feel sexy when dancing?
I feel sexy when sleeping. Many people say that. Or when drunk. Because of possible escape.

In the daily also happy to dress sexy?
Yes, more comfortable alone. So also when the performance. Because imejku sexy. Not the made-for wanting to become a singer. I always like to look sexy. Even in bed had to wear sexy lingerie. I am satisfied with the sexiness and fun look at yourself.

Dewi Cinta

It's really been satisfied huh?
Hmm .., I do not like my ass because big. Many people who considered sexy. But I do not. Imagine every time I pass the first times ass. So feel uncomfortable.

A favorite?
Chest. Because the fit. So I most like to wear an open shirt in the chest because it was more prominent. I think if girls wear normal clothes rather than wear a skirt lower chest looks ass.

Dewi Cinta

Dewi Cinta

Dewi Cinta

Dewi Cinta

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